8 Easy Summer Cocktails To Change It Up From Beer
During the World Cup the most searched term in different languages is beer! Once the World Cup 2018 is over why not make it up to the soccer widow or widower in your life by making them one of these easy and exciting summer cocktails.
1. April Shower! Brandy and Benedictine Cocktail

I discovered this cocktail while researching a brunch menu for Kim's birthday. The menu paired French Provencal fougasse, a flatbread stuffed with roasted red peppers with duck eggs and finished with this delicious boozy, orange juice cocktail.
To our surprise, the duck eggs had double yolks. We thought it'd be just one, but we cracked a few open and discovered more double yolks!
2. Blood Orange Cocktail
The cocktail looks stunning. BVLand has other cocktails that looked incredible, but inexplicably, this just seems like a blood orange kind of a summer.
3. Kirsch Cafe
This was our 4th of July cocktail this year. Kirsch is a cherry brandy. It's perfect with Cafe du Monde iced coffee.

The coffee dances with the kirsch and you can still taste it while it mellows out.
4. Avenue of the Dead
As Patron didn't give this Mexican cosmopolitan a name, Kim and I did.
The Avenue of the Dead is the main causeway at Teotihuacan, an ancient site just outside of Mexico City.
5. Ándale Chela
If the Internet is correct, this translates as Come On Beer!
This is a great combination of soda, beer and spirits and I'm looking forward to it. I'm a fan of the Michelada so this seems right up my street!
6. Pomelo Margarita
In Singapore, the pomelo is used in lots of different ways. Working out there one summer, we sat in the pool bar in Bali and drank long, tall pomelo drinks. Fantastic!
7. The Mrs Henry Baker
For our first show on, Watch, Cook, Eat!, we created unique cocktails that represented The Blue Carbuncle, a Sherlock Holmes story. We got a local restaurant to judge our efforts.

The Edinburgh Gin carbuncle won and we decided to rename it, The Mrs Henry Baker after Mr Henry Baker took home the wrong goose with the gem in its crop.
8. Chilcano
I'm fascinated by Pisco and want to try more. I like the idea that the grapes used to make Pisco (a Peruvian domain controlled spirit) can produce flavors of peach and pecan. I'd love to try the Albillo.
And, I also want to put a challenge out there to Brooke (one of the best bartenders in the world) at the Dead Rabbit (NYC). I never liked her peach cocktail, but I wonder if she could change my mind with a Pisco Albillo cocktail?